he's a little bigger now. 30 lbs bigger and still growing...
he digs. he chews. he jumps up on the counter looking for a treat. he barks when we aren't with him. he won't stay of the couch, even though he knows for certain he isn't allowed there. he gets excited with the kids and has torn at least 3 holes in Landon's clothes. he's a puppy, that's for certain.
and he's a darned good puppy....
he house trained in 4 days. he sleeps great at night. he loves to cuddle. he is smart as can be - knows stay, come, sit, down, off, & shake. he waits to dig into dinner until you give him the ok, even though it's sitting there in front of him so enticingly. he is, for the most part, a very mellow puppy. he lays as close to us as he possibly can when we're watching tv at night. he's loyal & loving...
he's a fantastic little dog and he fits perfectly into our family.
so, in short, he's a keeper. =-)