::because the little moments go by too fast::because pictures and memories are meant to be shared::because so many of our family and friends live a little too far away::

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

{super heroes}

Spiderman, Superman, Optimus Prime, and the 'bad' Spiderman.....you name it, we got it! When we visited my sister's place back in February (I KNOW I have been horrible at blogging lately!) the kids had a blast together. It's so neat to see them a bit more grown and able to play together so well. Here they are....and yep, Kassidy fits in well the boys. As girly as she is she can still hang with the heroes.....:D

1 comment:

Tasha said...

LOL, the bad Spiderman? That would be Venom. But talk about feeling safe with so many superheroes in the room!! Ha, well minus the bad one of course ;)