::because the little moments go by too fast::because pictures and memories are meant to be shared::because so many of our family and friends live a little too far away::

Thursday, May 31, 2012


So do you know what my dear sister was doing just moments before Little B was born?!?  (I told you in a previous post so here's where we find out if you are really reading them!)  :-)

She was crossing the finish line of her first Marathon!!!  In 4 1/2 hours she completed it, just in time to finish as I pushed this little guy out. 

I was thinking, while in labor, "My sister is running a marathon right now!!!  I'm SO glad I'm not her!!"

She was thinking, while running, "My sister is in labor right now!!  I'm SO glad I'm not her!!!"


Less than 24 hours later she was in the car with my nephews and Mom, driving up to Colorado to meet the new babe. 

LOVE. LOVE. LOVE that my sister, my best friend, was able to come up to be with me in those first few days of B's life.  99.9% sure this is the last baby in our family (b/t her and I) so it was a special moment for our family, and I cannot imagine her not being there when he was super teeny tiny. 

Thank you, my Jenny, for coming to see us so quickly!!  It was a blessing I cannot thank you enough for.  I love you SO much!!!! 

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